Madinat Alnnahas - The City of Brass

 In the skies above every world, one red star shines brighter than the rest. The Wanderer. Madinat Alnnahas, the City of Brass. No one knows when the Efreet City broke away from the Pyre; but the Flaming Spires float through space in their own orbit around the sun, where the Efreet host Spelljammers from throughout the 'Verse. The City of Brass is the largest Spellport in PyreSpace, and a center for commerce and shipping for many interplanetary guilds.

Climate & Terrain

Madinat Alnnahas is a portal from the Elemental Fire of the Pyre, floating in orbat around the Source of all Flame. An enormous, beaten curtain of brass, some 40 miles across, surrounds the city. Massive sluice gates allow the flow of molten fire from the Source Gate to escape the city, where it collects along the bottom before dripping and burning off into the void.

    Throughout the cosmopolitan city, the dangerous effects of the Pyre are suppressed by the will of the Grande Sultan, in an effort to foster more interplanetary trade. Despite this, the Grande Sultan rules his city with a tyranical hold over trade, travel, and tradition.

    On the outskirts of the city itself, embedded in the rock, are the Obsidian Fields, used for the cultivation of exotic crops popular on the Pyre and in the City, and where slaves mine tin, copper, and diamonds for their Efreeti masters.

    The northern-most section of the City (agreed upon by all - direction can be a little chaotic in a city with no planet), lies the Sable Forest, a preserve of large black trees called Serpent Trees, bare of leaves, which take their nourishment from heat instead of light. Noble Efreeti often conduct daily hunts in the Sable Forest, and unwelcome trespassers might find themselves being run down by savage hell hounds, or Efreeti hunters on their nightmare steeds.

    Although the Sultan is the paramount authority in Madinat Alnnahas, he generally delegates the day-to-day affairs to his Royal Vizier. Most Efreet pledge their loyalty to the Sultan, whether they reside in Madinat Alnnahas or not. Even those dwelling in the farthest reaches of PyreSpace, isolated from the fires of their birth, consider themselves subject to the Sultan's rule.


Although the streets of the City of Brass are bustling with trade and crammed with crowds from across the 'Verse during the day, by night a strict curfew is enforced by the Sultan's Janissaries, the Illuminated. All shops are shut up and all citizens return to their homes, lest they face arrest, or far worse. Visitors to Madinat Alnnahas are expected to return to their ships, or allow themselves to be locked in at the Inns and Flophouses that dot the walls of the Spelldocks.

    Curfew violations are punished harshly. First-time offenders are arrested and fined. Offenders caught a second time face longer sentences and branding. Branded offenders are executed.

    Slaves in the City of Brass are obligated to wear a brass torc that displays both their servitude and the name of their master. Those who bring slaves to the city are expected to fit their property with the appropriate torc upon arrival.


Although slaves from across PyreSpace are the primary export of Madinat Alnnahas, the portal to the Pyre allows access to the Primordial Fire Deposits, and Glass Fields. The City of Brass remains a shining beacon of trade and commerce throughout the 'Verse, beckoning many spelljamming travelers to its bazaars, souks, slave markets, and metal crafters.

    Famed for its venders of smoke, incense, and tobacco, the City is also noted for the smiths who work ceaselessly for the Efreet, crafting arms for the armies of the Sultan. The City's Spelldocks are a hub of activity as well, and because of this, Madinat Alnnahas hosts a vast array of food and other goods from throughout PyreSpace.

The Spelldocks (upper level)


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