NPC - Oquee

Oquee on DeviantArt

"The great, green tortle stood on the deck of his ship. No hint of expression on his snapper-turtle face.
"'Why is he just standing there,' the pirate captain bellowed. 'Kill him!'
"In answer to this, the tortle furrowed his brow and cocked his head, then took a single step to the left. Just then, a crack of lightning from the ship's mage shot out across the deck, missing the captain but striking the mast behind him.
"With a creaking grown, the fallen mast took out the captain and a half-dozen pirates, collapsing into the forecastle where the tortle had been standing. Calmly, he looked at the ruin wood.
"'Hrm,' he grunted."


Ocquee is a Diviniation Wizard from the village of Maluhia on the Snout of Ongmar, on the planet Quelya. He is young, for a PyreSpace Tortle, and is only about 20 years into his Odyssey - the extended journey every Tortle takes as a rite of passage into adulthood.

After a brief few years island-hopping across the WorldSea, Ocquee found himself hiring on aboard a small spelljammer, and making his way to the stars.

Ocquee is considered an oracle among his people, and carries himself with a pleasant friendliness, and an air of hidden knowledge. The tortle always seems to know what's going on, and tends to be prepared for even the most ridiculous situations. When the Heroes encounter Ocquee, he has been waiting for them, and is willing to take a position as part of a Green or Experienced crew, and serve as a back-up pilot (or primary for a non-magic party).

    His current goal is to experience as much of the 'Verse as possible in the remaining years of his Odyssey, and to return to Ongmar where his knowledge and experience can be added to the collective stories of his people.

Note: It makes no sense to me that Tortles should have such short lifespans (as described in the Tortle Package), and so in Beyond the Spider Moon, I have made them long-lived creatures, though - as a race - they tend to isolate themselves on Quelya, and only venture out of Ongmar on their Odyssey - a one-hundred year, self-imposed "exile" during which the tortle travels the world, or the many worlds, to gain a better understanding of both themself and the wider 'Verse.


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