What are the Praedaren?


We know Cerulean Crowe hates them. We know they're probably all pirates or - at least - she thinks they are. But they don't appear in most D&D worlds, and they're not in any official supplement (yet - man, I'd love to put one on D&D Beyond, but I don't want to jump through the hoops to get it to work right).

But I'm on a tangent. Sorry about that. The Shark Men haven't shown up in the story yet, but they've been mentioned - and they play a large role in Crowe's backstory, so I know they'll be coming up again, and you might not know who they are.

The Praedaren were created by Anthony Vallozzi, and I first came across them back when this Spelljammer campaign was just going to be Pirates of the Dark Water, but D&D. I was looking for interesting things to populate my Aquatic campaign with, when I came across this post:

[Race] Player Race: Praedaren

(The GMBinder Link)

It was great. Like that top comment said, it's Street Sharks; and I love me some Street Sharks (and Sharkrad, but that's a whole other can of chum).

As the world-building went on, I eventually reread Shadow of the Spider Moon, and realized I wanted to make my water world into Quelya, and I wanted to run a Spelljamming campaign. I hadn't done so since 3rd Edition, and it hadn't worked out really well since 2nd; but I wanted another go. My only regret has been that it doesn't make a lot of sense for the Praedaren to venture off-world. They have it so good on the WorldSea, we've had to jump through a few plot holes to get my shark players into space.

I hope I can deal with those properly when we get to them in the story.


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