Magic Item - The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords

Weapon (Battleaxe), Artifact (Requires Attunement)

 Seeing the peril his people faced, a young Dwarf prince came to believe the Dwarves needed something to unite them. After many decades of honing his Forge-craft, meditating on the stone and the meaning of Dwarf-kind, and praying to the gods for the proper direction he set out to forge a weapon that would be such a symbol.

    The prince ventured deep under the mountains, deeper than any Dwarf had ever delved, until he came upon the blazing heart of a primordial volcano. With the aid of Moradin, the Dwarven god of Creation, he first crafted four great tools: the Brutal Pick, the Earthheart Forge, the Anvil of Songs, and the Shaping Hammer. And then he set about the task for which he felt he had been born. He forged the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords.

    Armed with this powerful weapon, the prince returned to the Dwarf Clans and brought peace. His axe ended grudges and answered slights. The Clans became allies, and threw back their enemies and enjoyed an era of prosperity. This young Dwarf is now remembered as the First King of Moradin's Forge. When he became old, he passed the weapon, which had become his badge of office, to his heir. Throughout the greatest age of Moradin's Forge, the rightful inheritors passed the axe on for generation after generation. 

    Later, during  a dark era marked by treachery and wickedness, the Axe was lost in a bloody civil war fomented by greed for its power and the status it bestowed. Centuries later, the Dwarves still search for the Axe, and many adventurers have made careers of chasing after rumors and plundering old vaults to find it.

Magic Weapon

    The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords is a magic weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

    The Axe also functions as a Belt of Dwarvenkind, a Dwarven Thrower, and a Sword of Sharpness, granting the following benefits while attuned:
  • Your Constitution score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to interact with dwarves. In addition, you have a 50% chance each day at dawn of growing a full beard, if you're capable of growing one, or a visibly thicker beard if you already have one.
  • If you aren't a Dwarf, you have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance to poison damage; darkvision to a range of 60 feet, and the ability to speak, read, and write Dwarvish.
  • The Axe has the thrown property with a range of 20/60. When you hit with a ranged attack using the Axe, it deals an extra 1d8 damage or, if the target is a giant, 2d8 damage. Immediately after the attack, the weapon flies back to your hand. Proficiency with a warhammer also allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
  • When you attack an object with the Axe, maximize your weapon damage dice against the target.
  • When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, the target takes an extra 14 slashing damge. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the DM. If the creature has no limb to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead.
  • With the command word, you can cause the Axe to shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Speaking the command word again, or sheathing / covering the blade puts out the light.
While attuned to the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, you have resistance to Psychic Damage, and you cannot be blindedcharmeddeafenedfrightenedpetrified, or stunned. In addition, while attuned to the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, you gain the following Personality Traits:
  • Personality Trait: Until we reclaim our ancestral halls, I don't completely trust anyone except Dwarves (and Orcs).
  • Ideals: I'll do anything in my power to aid Dwarf or Orc, even when they're wrong.
  • Bonds: I will light once again the Forge-Fires of the Dwarven Homeworld.
  • Flaws: I am easily goaded by any slight to my courage or honor.

Blessings of Moradin

    If you are a Dwarf attuned to the Axe, you gain the following benefits:
  • You have immunity to poison damage.
  • The range of your darkvision increases by 60 feet.
  • You gain proficiency with artisan's tools related to blacksmithing, brewing, and stonemasonry. If you already have proficiency with any of these tools, you gain expertise (double your proficiency bonus on these checks).

Conjure Earth Elemental

    If you are holding the Axe, you can use your action to cast the Conjure Elemental spell from it, summoning an Earth Elemental. At the end of a long rest, you may roll a d6. You may use this property again when you roll a 6.

Travel the Depths

    You can use an action to touch the axe to a fixed piece of Dwarven stonework and cast the teleport spell from the Axe. If your intended destination is underground, there is no chance of a mishap or arriving somewhere unexpected. You can't use this ability again until 3 days have passed.


    The Axe bears a curse that affects any non-Dwarf that becomes attuned to it. Even if the attunement ends, the curse remains. With each passing day, the creature's physical appearance and stature become more dwarflike. After seven days the creature looks like a typical Dwarf, but the creature neither loses its racial traits nor gains the racial traits of a Dwarf. The physical changes wrought by the Axe aren't considered magical in nature (and therefore can't be dispelled), but they can be undone by any affect that removes a curse, such as a greater restoration or remove curse spell.

Destroying the Axe

    The only way to destroy the Axe is to melt it down in the Earthheart Forge, where it was created. It must remain in the burning forge for fifty years before it finally succumbs to the fire and is consumed.


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